Sunday, September 5, 2010

On the road again

After several delays and a last minute breaking problem withthe 4x4 and everything checked and rechecked a thousand times we finally headed west from our mountain retreat(Owls View) towards Lightning Ridge.
Our first night we pulled into Warialder Creek rest area and we meet a couple we'll call Margorie and Peter, great couple when we explained this was our first night as caravaner's they filled us with do and donts of the road, things to look out for such as weather reports. ( you'll see why I highlighted weather reports shortly) Second afternoon we found a idealic setting beside the Garwin Creek sun shining it was beautiful. We had made sure we were not in a soggy boggy spot but on high ground incase of flooding ha ha but what we had not figured into the equation was the road in ! it rained non stop all night so that in the morning the axcess road , was nothing but clay,growing boots I think the term is, with every step you gain height in clay clagged onto your boots, you can imagine what it did to the tyres.
We slipped and slidded everywere but managed to get with in 100meters from the bitumen before we could go no more. Greatfully an old cow cockie Keith came along with a grunty ute which managed to tow / pulled us out of the mud onto the road. Keith then gave us some timely advise on the soft edges and the importance of listening to weather reports, we truely felt like green horns.
Safe on the high way again we continued on to the saftey of Lightning Ridge tourist caravan park.
The following day " Fathers day I took Al on the most facinating of  pub crawl tours,50kms west of Lightning Ridge is a circuit of about 15kms of rough dirt road incorporating 3 licenced establishments, The pub in the crub, the sheep yards, and the Hilton.A great afternoon was had chatting to the districts miners, facinating charectors with great stories

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